I am a senior creative and post-production producer with expertise in the entire video production and post-production (offline and online) workflow. Over the past 15 years, I have cultivated a wealth of experience across multiple roles including working as a director, cinematographer, video editor, colorist, and post-production producer. I own a unique blend of knowledge and hands-on skill sets that enable me to both create and manage the creation of high quality video content.
My portfolio includes collaborations with prominent brands, alongside smaller tourism associations and non-profit organizations. I take pride in possessing a robust work ethic, resourcefulness, and a positive attitude.
Please don't hesitate to reach out if you'd like to connect!
72 + Sunny, Apple, Beats By Dre, Calvin Klein, Canada Goose, Compadre, CW Network, Crocs, Dior, Disney, ESPN, Eventbrite, Google, Les Mills, Matador Network, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, McGarryBowen, Nike, Netflix, Pepsi C, Toyota, Visit Costa Rica, Visit USA, Visit Turkey, Visit Arctic Europe, Visit Huntington Beach, Victoria Secret, Wieden + Kennedy, Zara